Da vi var på plass ved Liverpool FCs Anfield under PES Leagues Road to Cardiff-konkurranse, møtte vi de to britiske spillerne Bad_Boy_G og DexK. Da benyttet vi anledningen til å spørre hva de tror er grunnen til at Storbritannia har en tendens til å henge etter når det kommer til esport.
Ikke uventet handler det om hvor mye tid man kan legge i trening, men også viljen til å trene annerledes online. Bad_Boy_G sier følgende:
"Do you know what it is, it's that we just don't play enough. It's just the time and effort. Me and Dex, we have a lot of commitments, we do our jobs 9-5, and I guess it's just that extra time that we don't put in compared to the other countries who put [in a lot of] time. Some of the other countries do have a big community [too], and they meet up together and play offline, which does give you that extra edge, because online/offline - it's very different. So the other countries get the edge. But I guess going forward for the UK maybe we can try and get more community tournaments, offline, just to give us the edge, and more time and practice will give us a better chance in the future."
Hans medspiller DexK tror det hele vil endre seg etter hvert som esport blir mer populært blant britene:
"I'm not sure [...] I think it will be. I think it's just a matter of time before it gets huge over here. I know in Asia they have a huge esports following don't they, but in comparison to the rest of Europe... I don't know. But I'm sure we will. I mean today is an incredible event, so I'm sure that it will turn big."