24: The Game

24: The Game - screens

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* Påkrevd felt

Så har SCEE sendt oss nok en liten bunke med skjermiser fra deres kommende spill som tar utgangspunkt i serien 24. Her møter du nok en gang Jack Bauer og hans kamp mot sine fientlige motstandere. Spillet slippes eksklusivt til PS2 26. oktober og er du en av de som diget serien, kan dette være en fin fortsettelse.


Her er mer fakta:
* '24: The Game' has multiple character plots and strands and over 100 missions covering multiple genres of game-play including:
* On-foot sections with shooting, stealth, puzzles and sniping;
* Driving challenges varying from stealthy tailing to high-speed pursuits;
* Interrogations where you have to coerce information out of suspects and
* Gadget sections including decoding information and examining satellite images
* High production values make the whole 24 game experience completely authentic. The game's music has been written by the TV show's award-winning composer Sean Callery, and an all-new script has been penned by 24 show writer Duppy Demetrius in collaboration with the 24 production team.
* The game also includes all signature graphical devices and sound effects; uses the unique visual style with cut-scenes produced in conjunction with the series' creator and cinematographer and multi panel windows showing concurrent plot developments as they happen.

Flere nyheter og screens fra spillet finner du inn her

24: The Game24: The Game24: The Game24: The Game
24: The Game24: The Game24: The Game24: The Game

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