Battlestations: Midway

Battlestations: Midway

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Er det et spill undertegnede ser fram til i neste år, så må det være dette spennende actionspillet som tar frihetsfølelsen et steg fremover i krigsspill. For her kan du selv bestemme hva du ønsker å ta kontroll over, om det er akrobatiske fly, tunge slagskip eller usynelige ubåter. Alt står til din disposisjon og grafisk ser spillet virkelig flott ut.

Battlestations: Midway lanseres både til Xbox 360 og PC og det skjer i løpet av første kvartal neste år.

Her er mer fakta:
BATTLESTATIONS: MIDWAY offers a totally new approach to air, sea and underwater combat, accurately reflecting the atmosphere and situation in the Pacific during 1942. Players take direct control of battleships, aircraft carriers, submarines and planes in a 'free-control' environment, with seamless switching between any of the units under your command: engage in dogfights with enemy fighters through flak-infested skies, utilise the silent attack of your submarine to unleash torpedoes on unsuspecting enemies, or command the awesome firepower of an entire carrier group.

Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Midway
Battlestations: Midway

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