Dragon Age: Inquisition

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Bioware har høstet manges hyllest for sin inkluderende praksis med tanke på legning i sine rollespill som Mass Effect og Dragon Age. På Gamelab i Barcelona fikk Gamereactors spanske redaktør muligheten til å snakke med senior writer hos Bioware, David Gaider om hva deres neste skritt vil bli i forhold til temaet. Her er hva han svarte:

"We do have gay characters and we have one transgender character in Dragon Age: Inquisition, and I think we can do better than that. The one [transgender] we had [Krem] was an interesting character. We had major characters that are gay (Dorian was definitely gay), but what about a major character that's transgender? There's also allowing the player, if they identify as asexual, for example, or in any other particular way, to put themselves in their character without being contradicted. You're never going to make a game that's going to encompass the breadth of humanity, but it's a matter of getting everybody on board and thinking about other sorts of players, inviting them actively to play your game. And it wasn't just a couple of people proposing [including these characters in the game], it was a team-wide thing. When this conversation is held, a lot of people assume that it's a restriction, like if somebody was forcing us to, we wouldn't do it. But it actually expands the possibilities of things you can do with the characters, as long as you're doing it in a respectful manner, and you're not just making something for the sake of it. But at the same time, I don't think you need to justify it either. If you made a character who's white and straight you would never have to justify why they're white. So if the industry as a whole has more characters like that, then we just can stop trying to explain it, it will just be."

For flere detaljer om hva de legger vekt på når de lager en karakter kan du sjekke ut hele intervjuet i videoen her:

Dragon Age: Inquisition

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