Synes du BF3s historie var kjedelig?

Synes du BF3s historie var kjedelig?

Hei, jeg kom over et interessant sammendrag av Battlefield 3's historie. Jeg vet at mange mislikte singelplayeren og mente at den hadde en uoriginal og kjedelig historie, men etter å ha lest dette er jeg faktisk uenig i det siste der. Historien er faktisk ganske så interessant og gjennomtenkt, selv om SPen i seg selv kanskje ikke var den morsomste der ute. Historien var kanskje litt for komplisert til at DICE kunne gjøre den lett forståelig for spillerne. Sikkert mange som er uenige, men les iallefall dette:

Set in 2014, Sgt. Blackburn leads a five-man squad on a mission to find and safely return a US squad investigating a possible IED in Sulaymaniyah, Iraq, whose last known position was a market controlled by a hostile militia called the PLR. However an earthquake destroys the city during the firefight with the PLR. Blackburn escapes the ruins with Montes and other survivors. Several weeks later, the US sends Marines into Iran. Naval aviator and F-18 pilot Lt. Hawkins engages fighters over Iran and takes part in an air strike against Mehrabad Airport. In the aftermath of the air strikes, Blackburn and his squad are sent to Tehran to perform battle damage assessment and apprehend the leader of the PLR, Al-Bashir. While investigating an underground vault in the target's suspected location, Blackburn and his team learn that the PLR acquired Russian portable nuclear devices, and that two of the three devices are missing. Being overrun, and requesting back-up, an M1 Abrams convoy led by Sergeant Miller is deployed to extract Blackburn's team. Miller facilitates Blackburn's helicopter extraction, but is captured when waiting for a Quick Reaction Force. Miller is promptly executed by Solomon and Al-Bashir, with the event being filmed.

Later, Blackburn and his squad manage to capture Al-Bashir, who realizes Solomon betrayed him and reveals his plot to detonate the nukes in Paris and New York, before dying from the wounds he sustained in his capture. Blackburn's team also gets a lead on an arms dealer, Kaffarov, who was working with Solomon; however, while pursuing Kaffarov, the Americans encounter a large Russian force, who are also attempting to apprehend Kaffarov and are hostile towards the Americans. Almost all of Blackburn's squad is killed, while a Spetsnaz team led by Dima assaults Kaffarov's villa. Dima successfully interrogates Kaffarov, and reveals Solomon's plot to Blackburn.

Blackburn arrives at the villa and finds Dima and an unconscious Kaffarov. Dima tells Blackburn about the threat and asks for his cooperation to prevent a war between their nations. Meanwhile Blackburn's commanding officer arrives and Blackburn is forced to shoot his superior. Due to this, Blackburn is captured and interrogated by agents within the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and explains all of his previous operations to them in flashbacks. During Blackburn's capture, Dima attempts to stop the attack in Paris, but he is unsuccessful and his team is wounded in the resulting detonation. The CIA agents do not believe Blackburn's story, since Solomon is a CIA informant and since there is no concrete proof of his involvement in the terrorist attacks. They instead believe that Russia is responsible for the attacks and that Dima had played Blackburn.

Left with no other option, Blackburn and surviving squad member Montes break out of captivity to stop the attack in New York. Montes is shot in the process but Blackburn manages to kill Solomon and recover the bomb.
In the epilogue, having been diagnosed with radiation poisoning, Dima writes about the efforts of both him and Blackburn to stop Solomon's plot and prepares to shoot himself. However, a knock on his door prompts him to stop.

Synes ikke dere at dette høres ut som et godt plott? Jeg mener, med riktig regissør kunne det sikkert bli en grei film ..

Bildet under stammer fra BF3, tatt med fraps under en gameplay-session.