Han mangler i hvert fall ikke selvtillit, tidligere Team Ninja-sjef Tomonobu Itagaki. Denne helgen delte han nemlig noen ord om det neste spillet hans, Devil's Third som utvikles av Valhalla Studios til Wii U for Nintendo, og skal vi tro punktene han nevnte på Facebook blir dette noe helt utenom det vanlige. Vi legger spesielt merke til at spillet etter sigende skal sette en ny standard for multiplayer på konsoll, tilsynelatende uavhengig av sjanger.
I recently received lots of questions about DT from my fans.
I'd like to speak about development status of DT in words of my own to the extent that I am allowed.
1. DT owns the game mechanism sophisticatedly merged action games and shooter games together.
2. DT development is going smoothly. In another words we finishes editing ending movie the other day.
3. DT will be released next year. Nintendo has already announced in their press release.
4. Scale of DT is more than Ninja Gaiden in solo play - story mode.
5. DT demolishes the standard of past console games in on-line multi-play.
6. Almost all specifications I wanted to do were implemented. I got an up-close look at good manners of the great forerunner, COD, BF, GOW, and my loving HALO. On that basis, we added totally brandnew playabilities that only we can create.
7. Anyone can enjoy this game; from casual gamers to hard-core gamers. Let me put it this way. You guys can throw a fun party, or can kill each other in realistic war. You can play your heart out.
8. This is all I can disclose to you today. I can't tell you when to start my War. It's the way the world goes. I really want to tell more to you, my fans waiting with crushing frustration.
It's Tough Being a Man
Well, be patient just a little longer. Don't miss it!