Den første uken av Fortnite Fall Skirmish-serien er over, og den har ikke gått like smertefritt for alle. FaZe-spillerne Funkbomb og Nate Hill avventer straff etter en hendelse hvor førstnevnte ropte ut posisjonen til en fiende etter at han hadde dødd i spillet.
"As the teammate and beneficiary, I'll be suspended immediately from participating in all the Skirmish trials and Skirmishes until conclusion of suspension, October 11," sa Nate Hill på streamen sin (via Dexerto), og la til at han fortsatt er med i Dusty Dogs club.
"We both realize the impact this could have had on the integrity of the competition and were fortunate to not have it do so," sa han i en kommentar på Reddit. "Funk made a mistake and he owns up to it, but those calling for him to be perma-banned and calling him a scumbag couldn't be more misinformed. It was a mistake made by an otherwise great guy/player. He felt bad before anyone caught him cheating and self Reported to Epic. That is not the trait of a scumbag, that is someone being honest forthcoming and owning up to their mistakes."
"I want to apologize about my actions in the skirmish today," sa Funkbomb på Twitter. "During one of the matches, I was dead and spectating the fortnite stream. I called out Dmo's health and position to my partner not fully realizing there was zero delay on the main stream. I quickly noticed my mistake and went silent in the comms. After the game I informed the EPIC admins about the possibility of ghosting the main stream. I realize how this callout I made could have impacted the integrity of the tournament and I want to apologize to everybody participating."
"I especially apologize to @zzdmo, EPIC games, and my fans. I take full responsibilty for any repercussions that come my way. This is truly was a mistake, this is not who I am."
Nate Hill forklarte at han bare er suspendert, mens Funkbomb har blitt fjernet fra Dusty Dog club, kan ikke vinne premier eller delta i Fall Skirmish, men han får lov til å være med i TwitchCon-turneringen.
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