Far Cry Instincts

Fem eksotiske screens fra Far Cry Instincts: Predator

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Her er fem nye eksotiske screens fra kommende Far Cry Instincts: Predator. Spillet utvikles av UbiSoft's kanskjee beste team, Montreal, og slippes til Xbox 360 den 31. Mars.


Far Cry Instincts: Predator inneholder foruten en grafisk oppgradert versjon av originalen, også oppfølgeren kalt Far Cry Instincts: Next Chapter.

Her er mer fakta:
Far Cry Instincts Predator for Xbox 360 video game and entertainment system from Microsoft will feature both Far Cry Instincts Next Chapter and an enhanced version of the original Far Cry Instincts game. Offering the kind of lush and deep natural environment true to the Far Cry® brand, Far Cry Instincts on Xbox 360 will captivate gamers with its enhanced graphical reality and gameplay. Giving gamers the opportunity to discover the Far Cry universe in an optimized, high-definition environment, the game takes advantage of Xbox 360's multi-core next-generation engine for improved performance. Gamers will experience advanced pathfinding and new enemy and vehicle artificial intelligence for improved chase scenes and more enemies on-screen at one time, allowing for more adrenaline-rushing fast-action sequences.

Far Cry Instincts
Far Cry Instincts
Far Cry Instincts
Far Cry Instincts
Far Cry Instincts
Far Cry Instincts

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