Colin Tutty og Q3Center har sluppet public beta 1 av Rocket Duel, en Mod til Quake III: Arena, som handler om...ja, gjett selv!
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I Rocket Duel er det mange game-modes, som antagelig vil kunne forlenge levetiden på den gode gamle spillskiven. Her er litt om dine muligheter for å leke med flammer, grovt skåret fra Mod'ens Readme-tekst:
You spawn only carrying a Rocket Launcher but you have unlimited ammo, and the rocket does so much damage that each shot will always gib your opponent.
Rocket Duel
Spawn in just carrying the Rocket Lanucher, this is a pure test of your rocket skills.
Run faster, Jump higher, Weapon fire rate has increased in this fast and frantic, frag frenzy.
Spawn in just carrying the Rocket Lanucher with lots of ammo. Each shot is instagib, plus all blood & gore, gibs and rocket explosions have been increased to excessive levels, and the RL fires skulls instead of the regular rockets.
This is basically Rocket Duel gamemode, although all rockets are homing rockets, so you only need to fire in the direction of the opponent and the rocket will track him down.
This is again basically Rocket Duel gamemode, but the rockets are guided by yourself, so fire a rocket then track it yourself using the mouse, to place the rocket wherever you want it to go.
The idea is to stay alive, you stat with only 60 health, and it counts down 1 each second, so no camping and there's no health in the arena. If you score a frag your health is reset to 60 again, but if your health counts all the way down to 0 you explode in a shower of gibs and blood.
Pain Factor
This game plays as normal, except for the fact that you don't score any frags, but your score is based on the damage you inflict, and is shown by multicoloured score plumes.
When the game starts a player is chosen as the "hunted" the rest are the "hunters" and they only score if they kill the hunted, if they kill each other they get a penalty. Once the hunted has been killed another player is chosen and everyone chases them... and so on.
Quad Whore
Similiar to instagib, although initially the rockets only do half damage, but a quad will randomly spawn somewhere in the arena, and if you have the quad your rockets will do instagib damage. The quad will disappear and respawn somewhere else if nobody picks it up after 30secs.
The idea is to stay alive, by sucking the life from others by causing them damage. You health is counting down 1 each second, so you must damage others and as you do, their pain is added to your health. Vampires that gain enough health to with 50 of the g_vampiremax set, will glow red.
Every 30 seconds you manage to survive, you will be awarded a frag bonus of Å1, so a person who has survived for 2mins will have Å4 giving him 5 frags on his next kill. So the longer you stay alive and more your going to score.