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Ace Combat Infinity
  • 22 august 2016
  • 4 Articles
  • 2 Kommentarer


Notable Features

Ace Combat Infinity is notable for going back to the roots of the Ace Combat series, as it plays out pretty much the same as most of the previous installments in the franchise. Close Range Assault, which was an integral part of the gameplay in the previous game Ace Combat: Assault Horizon, does not make a return to Infinity. However, the game uses the same engine the previous installment used with some minor modifications. Some of notable gameplay features include:

Targeting boxes: The targeting boxes for the enemy gets larger when the player gets closer to the enemy and smaller when the player is far away from the enemy. This feature was previously only seen in Ace Combat 3: Electrosphere.

Enemy health bars: All enemy units has a health bar situated beneath their targeting box when the player choses them as the target. This was a feature previously seen in Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation, but it has moved from the top left of the HUD to directly beneath the targeting box. Also, a red line will show how much damage the enemy unit will take by your currently equipped weapon.

Tactical Datalink: Tactical Datalink is a new feature that builds on a similar feature in Ace Combat: Assault Horizon. Whenever you fly close to a friendly aircraft in yoursquadron, a datalink will be created between your aircrafts allowing you to utilize a bonus that you've selected beforehand. This feature works both in the Campaign and the Multiplayer.

Oil and shrapnel: Whenever an enemy close to your aircraft is destroyed, oil and shrapnel will splatter on your screen. This feature was heavily used in conjunction with Close Range Assault in Ace Combat: Assault Horizon.