Det var en utfordring å klemme inn et eventyr mellom Hobbiten og Ringenes Herre, og Gillen fikk sjansen til å snakke med lead game designer Bob Roberts for å finne ut mer om utviklingen. Blant annet sa Roberts:
"We definitely kept up with exactly what they're [the film production] doing in the films. Make sure we're not generating any kinds of details that would ever overlap and taking advantage as much as we can of the world they're creating to kind of inspire us as we build out Mordor."
Vi fikk også vite mer om det ganske spesielle Nemesis-systemet:
"It's a living, breathing eco-system. It's a society. It's an Orc social network in structure and they will fight, claw and scratch their way to the top even without your influence."
Les også vår anmeldelse av spillet.