
Harrison bekymret for fokuset til Sony og Microsoft

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* Påkrevd felt

Phil Harrison har jobbet i Playstation, Atari og Microsoft, og har så visst gjort seg fortjent til å bli kalt en bransjeveteran. Vi tok en prat med ham på Gamelab 2017, og han kunne dele sine tanker om spillmediet, hans investeringer i AR/VR, Brexit og mer til.

Han er blant annet utvise bekymring for Sony og Microsofts satsning mot kjernespillerne:

"I think Sony has done a very good job in making PlayStation 4 very popular around the world. What I wonder about, and maybe a worry about a little bit is: Are both Microsoft and Sony growing the market? Are they building and investing in the content and broadening the experience to bring in more players. It looks to me from their public announcement at least that they are increasingly for the same kind of core, hardcore gamer. Whereas the Nintendo Switch has the opportunity to play to the wider audience. So it's going to be really interesting to see how the market dynamics play out over the next three or four years in console."

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Harrison bekymret for fokuset til Sony og Microsoft

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