Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Ingen ny Dishonored på en stund

Ricardo Bare fra Arkane snakker om Dishonored-seriens fremtid.

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* Påkrevd felt

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider kom ut den 15. september 2017, og avsluttet Arkanes snikmorder-sentriske spillserie. Under fjorårets QuakeCon fortalte Harvey Smith oss at:
"Death of the Outsider is a huge, major chapter in that overarching story. It's pretty much the finale of this piece of Dishonored."

Og det kan virke som at vi ikke får et nytt kapittel i Dishonored-serien på en stund.

"I can't say definitively what might happen down the road, anything could happen, but [Dishonored] is resting for now. As far as pure immersive sims go, I don't know if we're going to continue to make like carbon copy - this qualifies as an immersive sim and it's the only thing we're ever going to make, sa Bare i et intervju med VG247 under årets QuakeCon.

"The things that are important to us as a studio are coherent, deep world building and environmental storytelling - we're always going to craft spaces that you feel like you're visiting, whether it's Dunwall or Talos 1. It's just as important a character as the player or the people you meet. Then it's improvisational gameplay - giving players a bunch of cool abilities and tools, then saying, 'You figure it out, you be creative, you own the experience'. And, typically, we stick to first-person, though that's not a hard rule and we might try other things from time to time."

Håper du på mer Dishonored, eller er du fornøyd med måten serien har blitt avsluttet på?

Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

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Ingen ny Dishonored på en stund

Ingen ny Dishonored på en stund

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Dishonored: Death of the Outsider kom ut den 15. september 2017, og avsluttet Arkanes snikmorder-sentriske spillserie. Under fjorårets QuakeCon fortalte Harvey Smith oss...

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