Vi møtte Josef Fares på Nordic Game og slo av en prat med ham om mottakelsen av A Way Out, og hva den har hatt å si for studioet hans.
"You have to understand with A Way Out - and it's been a massive success, it's crazy - we started at 10 people up to 40, like 70% of the team were interns, just wait till the next thing we do," fortalte han oss. "Now we're actually kickass game developers, like the team is becoming better and better, we can make better, bigger games."
"So definitely I think the variety has been rare. You see players play the game and they don't feel tired of the game, they want to continue playing the game, so that's something I'm super proud of, and also the reactions of what happens when they play through the game; that's super awesome to see."
Sjekk ut videoen nedenfor for å få med deg hele intervjuet. Her snakker han mer om A Way Out, i tillegg til lengden på spill og hvor mange som faktisk fullfører dem. Hva syntes du om A Way Out?