League of Legends

LoLs Likkrit får halvt års utestengelse etter Riot-kommentar

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* Påkrevd felt

Riot Games er godt kjent for å utestenge spillere League of Legends-spillere som ikke klarer å oppføre seg. Vanligvis handler dette om hvordan folk behandler andre spillere, men av og til beskytter de seg selv seg.

Dot Esports kan nemlig fortelle at LoL-spilleren Kirill "Likkrit" Malofeyev nå har blitt utestengt i seks måneder etter en uttalelse han hadde under en av sendingene sine. Nærmere bestemt hevder oversettelsen på Reddit at han sa følgende:

"League of Legends has never been a profitable game for the majority of CIS teams. There are some exceptions, though: Hard Random, a project which returned all the money invested and even gave some profit, and Albus NoX. But Albus NoX... today I'm in an awful mood, the worst in several years, so I will share some inside information with you.

Albus NoX is the team who scammed everyone for money: players, staff, everyone. I don't know a single person who worked for ANX for a long time and wasn't scammed. They promised us certain salaries, this and that... But I still didn't get my 3-month salary from the time I played for them, and it has been a year already. We showed such a great result that no one expected to see, but... Mr. Byrduko decided to scam us. Players, Overwatch team, staff. There was a certain budget and those who shared that budget between themselves in the end were gucci.

ANX is the worst scam I've ever met. We can go to court, but to do this, firstly, we need our contracts to be recognized as legal, which can not be guaranteed. Secondly, there is nothing to take from them. That org is dead, if you haven't noticed already. As for the person responsible for all of it... We can go to court, but it's useless, because we will lose more from it than can possibly win.

LoL is still not profitable for investors. It is a very expensive game, for example, Virtus.Pro's team from last year costs as much as, like, 3 teams now. LoL is practically dead here. Teams can't fulfill neither expectations of fans, nor anything. There is no money. We have 3 times less money now than in the year when we played in Albus NoX. I can't blame anyone certain, it is the result of several decisions.

For our players, in terms of salaries our region went back in 1,5 years. It is still not like those times when we had $250 salaries, but still pretty bad. It is the same for everyone, maybe Gambit are the ones who won't suffer as much from it, but I think they deserved it.

As for me, I am fine, because I'm a star player, but I feel bad for others. The biggest problem is with the new players."

I uttalelsen sin skriver Riot Games at Malofeevs kommentarer uten tvil er uproffesjonelle, og bryter med reglene de har.

"Med tanke på alvorlighetsgraden av disse kommentarene og følgene de har fått for ryktet til Riot Games, League of Legends og Continental League, samt de tidligere sanksjonene han har hatt ( suspendering for deltakelse i konkurranser i mai 2017), har Riot Games bestemt seg for å utestenge spilleren fra League of Legends i seks måneder fra og med 18. desember."

Seks måneder er en relativt hard straff, men det kan virke som om Malofeyev har innsett hvor alvorlig kommentarene hans var. Cybersport hevder nemlig at han nå har valgt å legge opp som følge av dette.

League of Legends
Photo: Riot Games

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