Ninety-Nine Nights

Ninety-Nine Nights

Nå med orchen Dwingvatt

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* Påkrevd felt

Her er enda flere skjermiser fra det kommende Ninety-Nine Nights. Denne gangen er de fra orchen Dwingvatts eventyr. Han har en vendetta med Inphyy (den flotte damen fra tidligere skjermiser) ettersom hun drepte hans eldre bror Dwinga.


Ninety-Nine Nights slippes til Xbox 360 1. september.

Her er mer fakta:
* Unparalleled action and gameplay. In "Ninety-Nine Nights," players destroy entire armies with precision and speed unlike that offered in any other game. Each playable character will feature his or her own strengths and weaknesses as players attempt to choose the right combination of magic and might to overcome their adversaries. With more than 100 weapons to master and the art of several forms of magic, players enhance their attacks and become true deadly forces amid stunning next-generation effects.

* Massive immersive battles. With hundreds of combatants on-screen at once, players wield their armies with precision and skill in massive-scale battles against ever-evolving virtual opponents. Each on-screen virtual character is a threat as opponents with unmatched AI will react and attack of their own volition, testing the skills and fortitude of even the best gamers. Ever-changing weather, terrain and structures contribute to the dynamic battles as well, leading to unique and surprising changes in gameplay.

* Compelling and engaging storyline. In "Ninety-Nine Nights," players must decide upon their path and choose the side of either good or evil in the struggle for the Stone of Union. In the epic and emotional campaign, gamers play through a fabulous fantasy realm with unparalleled depth. Each character has his or her dedicated plotline that ultimately intertwines with that of a larger story. Players can experience seven views of the story through the eyes of each character they choose to play.

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Ninety-Nine Nights

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