Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

Ny info om DLC til Shadow of Mordor

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* Påkrevd felt

Warner Bros og Monolith Productions har vært så vennlige å fortelle mer om den kommende DLC-en Lord of the Hunt som snart slippes til Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (og er inkludert i Season Pass). Blant annet loves det flere timer med ekstra spilletid, og under bildene finner du hele listen med alt nytt i tillegg til traileren for nettopp Lord of the Hunt.

Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor
Middle-earth: Shadow of MordorMiddle-earth: Shadow of Mordor

New Story & Lore - Discover more tales from Torvin, the Dwarven Hunter, as you work together to tame the beasts of Mordor and fight Sauron's minions.

New Nemeses - Face off against the Beastmaster Warchiefs, powerful new Uruks who have the ability to ride monsters and engage in perilous mounted combat.

New Monsters - Ride into battle on the Wretched Graug to vomit toxin at your foes, stalk your enemies on the predatory Caragath and attack from the shadows or raise an all-consuming Ghul Horde.

New Missions & Challenges - New Beast Hunting challenges and collectibles open up new trophies and achievements.

New Epic Runes - Make your Mount unstoppable with five new epic Runes that make you the ultimate hunter.

Test of the Wild - Test your skills against the Beastmasters and mount your trophies on the leaderboard.

New Character Skin - Lord of the Hunt skin transform Talion into the ultimate Beastmaster.


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