Capcoms onlinespill Monster Hunter er på vei til Playstation Portable. Med tittelen Monster Hunter Freedom har Capcom tilpasset og gjort om Monster Hunter slik at det finnes mer å gjøre offline, nye oppdrag og funksjoner har også blitt lagt til. Spillet skal slippes i løpet av første kvartal neste år i USA, noen releasedato for Europa har enda ikke blitt offentliggjort.
Her er mer fakta:
In Monster Hunter Freedom, challengers take on a variety of quests and conquer larger than life beasts either alone or with the aid of others. Players start by customizing their own character, choosing the type of hair, face, voice and other various attributes their personalized monster hunter will possess. They can explore ahub village where they can sign up for various challenges ranging from retrieving a valuable egg from the nest of a menacing dragon to hunting down powerful creatures and much more. Hunters can scavenge defeated monsters for food, collect bones for weapons and armor, and even use pieces for decorative accessories. In addition, by completing objectives, players receive an array of rewards that allows them to upgrade their arsenal and equipment, readying them for even tougher battles.