People Can Fly slapp Outriders for drøyt ett år siden, men tross en sterk lansering, relativt gode anmeldelser og mange spillere, er det ennå ikke profitabelt - og utvikleren vet heller ikke om det noensinne blir det.
Studioet har nå sluppet en finansrapport der det fremgår at de ennå ikke har fått noen royalties ettersom utgiveren Square Enix ikke har fått tilbake pengene de har investert i tittelen og utviklingen av den:
"Since the game was completed and placed on the market (which happened on April 1st 2021), the Company has been entitled to royalties payable if specific proceeds (as defined in the agreement) from its sales ensure that the publisher recovers a predetermined level of costs incurred in connection with the development, promotion and distribution of the game- The level of royalties depends on the amount of specific proceeds from the game's sales.
The Group received no royalties from the publisher for the period to December 31st 2021, which means that as at the reporting date net proceeds from the sale of Outriders were insufficient to recover the costs and expenses incurred by the publisher to develop, distribute and promote the title. This was confirmed by the royalty statement for the fourth quarter of 2021, received by the Group from the publisher."
De oppgir også at det ikke finnes noen garanti for at dett skjer overhodet:
"There can be no assurance that net proceeds from the sale of Outriders in future periods will be sufficient for the publisher to recover the costs incurred and to pay royalties to the Group."
Square Enix avslørte kort etter lanseringen at de hadde nådd 3,5 millioner spillere, og har fått real drahjelp av Xbox Game Pass ettersom det har vært tilgjengelig på tjenesten fra dag én.