På QuakeCon denne måneden satt vi oss ned med Pete Hines fra Bethesda for å snakke om The Elder Scrolls: Blades, men også Legends, og i løpet av samtalen om kortspillet spurte vi ham om turneringsstøtte for spillet. Han svarte at vi kom til å se mer spillerdrevne konkurranser takket være den nye klienten.
"So we want, and again this won't be immediately when the client comes up, but the client will allow us to put in in-game tournament support," forklarte han. "Right now we do in-game tournaments in the form of Gauntlets, but those are all controlled by us, and in talking to our streaming community and talking to other players, allowing people to create tournaments within the client so that you don't have to do it outside of the game, that you can create ladders, that you would even be able to create your criteria in terms of 'well, is it best two out of three' [...] you can have it open to folks or be invite-only."
For mer informasjon om hvordan dette funker, sjekk ut hele intervjuet med Pete Hines i videoen nedenfor.