Ken Levine trenger neppe noen introduksjon i disse kretser. Med spill som Bioshock og Bioshock Infinite på CVen har han bevist at han tar historiefortelling i spill på alvor. Et ferskt spill han beundrer for historiefortellingen er Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor, et spill som ifølge en post han selv skrev gjør noe "ingen andre medier får til".
Han skriver: "By breaking down the elements of character into small chunks and re-combining them based on randomness and, more important, responses to the player's choices, Shadow of Mordor tells a story that could never exist in another medium. If the audience could somehow change a plot point in Death of a Salesman, the narrative would break. If they could change something in BioShock Infinite, the story would break."
"But you can change the narrative in Shadow of Mordor - kill an important character, fail an important mission - and the story heals itself, because the system can create new characters on the fly."