
Renegades: The Daxtarian Tales

I det som bare kan betegnes som en av de største overraskelsene, har Sony i dag annonsert at deres to utviklere Naughty Dog og Insomniac Games samarbeider om å lage et spill som fusjonerer Jak and Daxter med Ratchet and Clank.

Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev her!

* Påkrevd felt

I det som bare kan betegnes som en av de største overraskelsene, har Sony i dag annonsert at deres to utviklere Naughty Dog og Insomniac Games samarbeider om å lage et spill som fusjonerer Jak and Daxter med Ratchet and Clank.

Spillet har fått tittelen Renegades: The Daxtarian Tales, og skulle ifølge firmaet være historien om hvor Daxter kommer fra. De som har spilt det første Jak and Daxter vet at Daxter ikke altid har været det lille dyret han er, men nå får vi historien om hvem han egentlig er/var. Spilleren kan fritt velge mellom både Ratchet, Clank eller Jak, og alle kommer med hver deres fordeler og ulemper. Dessuten vil spillet være online, med mulighet for å laste ned nye quests og våpen.

Marc Skouborg fra Nordisk Film, sa følgende:

"Vi tror Renegades blir vår største titel i 2003. Når SCEE har klart å samle så populære karakterer i ett spill kan det bare bli verdensklasseunderholdning. Både Insomiac og Naughty Dog er kjente for deres store forståelse og kvalitetssans i gameplay og level design. Det er allerede en klassiker. "

Her er hele pressemeldingen:


Sony Computer Entertainment America Unveils Groundbreaking Title Developed Exclusively for the PlayStation® 2 Computer Entertainment System by Naughty Dog and Insomniac Games.

FOSTER CITY, April 1, 2003 - Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. announced today the winter 2003 release of Renegades: The Daxtarian TaleTM , an innovative action-platform game created exclusively for the PlayStation® 2 computer entertainment system. Developed by Insomniac Games and Naughty Dog, the creators of the highly acclaimed and best-selling Spyro the DragonTM series and Crash BandicootTM, Renegades: The Daxtarian Tales reinvents the action category, blending action-platform, exploration, adventure, puzzle-solving, strategy and racing genres, and fuses these elements into a creatively original, sci-fi fantasy with all the known characters from both Ratchet and ClankTM and Jak and DaxterTM.

Delivering exhilarating gameplay mechanics, unique character designs, enormous environments, where it is possible to blow up everything that stands in your way, brilliant graphics, an engaging storyline and an arsenal of the coolest weapons and high-tech gadgets ever seen in an action-platform game, Renegades: The Daxtarian Tales provides players with an immersive experience that demonstrates superb technological advancements and highlights the previously untapped power of PlayStation 2. The game also introduces online features well beyond anything seen before in a PlayStation 2 product. The player gets to great duos instead of one.

"We are delighted to have the highly talented teams of Insomniac Games and Naughty Dog on board to create engaging content exclusively for PlayStation 2," said Ami Blaire, director, product marketing, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. "Renegades: The Daxtarian Tales clearly demonstrates that we are only just scratching the surface of the technological power of PlayStation 2. This time around, the limits are no longer with the technology but with the imagination and abilities of the development teams. This holiday season will elevate the talented developers from the fray, with Insomniac and Naughty Dog leading the pack."

While exploring some ancient ruins on a forbidden planet, Jak’s best friend Daxter, is knocked into another dimension. You once again seek the advice of the village sage, Samos Hagai. Plunge into a world of new adventure, exploration and discovery. Embark on a magical yet sometimes harrowing journey that challenges gamers to test their wits and skills and allows them to discover twisted plots and battle the evil within. Delivering nothing but the best ingredients for what is set to be one of the biggest titles of the year, with great character designs and animations, innovative gameplay mehcanics, superior technology and absolutely stunning graphics, Renegades: The Daxtarian Tales pushes the power of PlayStation 2, and offers an engaging, immersive entertainment experience that stretches the imagination.

Follow the story playing either Jak, Ratchet or Clank as they traverse the unknown searching for Daxter. Download new quests using the Sony Network Adapter TM to enhance gamplay. Find new and wondrous weapons, gadgets and magic. Go on an epic journey to find out about the origins of the Daxter character.

Jason Rubin on Renegades: The Daxtarian Tales:

"It’s an unique opportunity to try out something new and fresh. Using the new Naughty Dog 2.0 engine and adding loads of stuff from Ted Price and Insomniac Studios, we’ve been able to create something quite spectacular. Not only is there a new Jak and Daxter game on the way, but this is followed by up by a game which serves gamers with even more about the fascinating universe. It’s like those superhero comics you used to read as a child where different guys cross over into each others world. It’s going to be really good."

More information to be released at this years E3.

About Insomniac Games

Insomniac Games develops cutting-edge technology, graphics and gameplay for the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system. Additional information can be found on the company's web site at

About Naughty Dog

Naughty Dog was founded in 1986 by Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin. The team has been working on both Crash Bandicoot and Jak and Daxter. . Additional information can be found on the company's web site at

About Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc.

Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. continues to redefine the entertainment lifestyle with its PlayStation® and PS oneTM game console, and the PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system. The PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system is set to revolutionize the home entertainment market, offering the most compelling interactive content and the capability to be used as a network terminal in the coming broadband era.

Recognized as the undisputed industry leader, Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. markets the PlayStation family of products and develops, publishes, markets and distributes software for the PS one game console and the PlayStation 2 computer entertainment system for the North American market. Based in Foster City, Calif. Sony Computer Entertainment America Inc. serves as headquarters for all North American operations and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

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