TheCrushaders blogg no 60 Nettlesere!

Damn, nå er det lenge siden jeg har lasta opp noe på denne bruker, og på GR i det heletatt! Derfor bestemte jeg meg for å starte på en ny liten historie som jeg vil dele med dere fantastiske folk!

Historien har ikke noe bestemt navn enda, men jeg lar den gå under navnet; Kodenavn: Nettleser.

---- Jeg kan kjenne at det er noe som nærmer seg, kanskje det er noen som vill meg noe til harme. Jeg vet virkelig ikke, Nettet er et sted hvor ingen kan gå sikkert rundt. Det er et sted for løgnere og bedragere, ingen er til å stole på... Men det er et samfunn jeg holder min lit til; Reaktoren. Denne undergrunnorganisasjonen har hjulpet meg med info om hva som skjer på Nettet, nye hendelser som er viktige å få med seg. Jeg hever neven og åpner dem, sterkt lys strømmer ut fra håndflaten og ikke lenge etter kunne jeg lukke neven rundt haltet på et sverd, kan man skrive om kodene så kan man få til det meste. Det kommer nærmere, jeg kan høre den tunge pusten rive i slitne lunger, ikke noe lettvekter dette her. Veggene rundt meg stod plutselig i brann. Ikke rart man kaller dem brannmurer, hehe. Tørr vits ikke sant? Men slik er det bare, noen prøver å holde meg unna denne serveren og jeg kommer ikke til å stoppe med å trenge meg på med det første! Nå vet jeg hva det er som nærmer seg, forbaskede antivirusprogram. De ødelegger alltid for meg når jeg holder på å komme meg raskere rundt i Nettet. Vell... Jeg følger jo ikke akkurat reglene da... Det er visse ting å kode om for å komme seg rundt Nettet på en raskere måte, ett par proxyer, re-kodinger og slike ting. Men alt dette legger igjen spor etter meg, noe som kan være svært irriterende til tider.

To lysglimt fløy forbi meg, elektrisiteten hang i luften rundt meg og håret mitt ble statisk, latterlig!

------------ Til slutt vill jeg takke The Xbox 360 Guy, for å gidde å ta seg tiden for å lage et slikt flott seende banner til meg! Takker, kompis.

Men helt til slurtt vill jeg plugge min egen youTube bruker:

Det var alt! Sindre, aka TheCrushader, out!

Sat, 16 Oct 2010 21:48:09 GMT
Shadow Eighteen: Ch. III

Red Dawn I

"I see," The detective said as he typed sentences into his WBC "so you work here, though you can't remember who buys items here?" The man he asked looked nervously around in his store. It was filled with tech and a few of-counter items he hoped the officer wouldn't notice. "Yes, that is right," the shop owner replied as he started to walk around the store. "I can't remember every one of my costumers, Detective?" The officer smiled and shook his head. The owner was right, though he had to admit that the owner was a terrible liar. "But I know from secure sources that an Erodian was here yesterday and bought several tech boosters. And Erodian is hard to overlook," The detective continued and crossed his arms over his chest, staring direct into the owners eyes "why do you lie to me, Mr. Samïr?" A small drop of sweat ran down Samïr's neck, making him feel even more uneasy. "Um well," he staggered as he felt the detectives eyes drill into his mind, probing it. "The Erodian told me to keep this quiet, under the table and she paid a lot of credits to keep it like that." Samïr continued as the detective noted it down. "But I do have footage of her," The sop owner said and headed into the backroom of the store and came back out again with a disc. "Here. Last night's surveillances footage over my store, I can bet you find this Erodian on them." The detective took the disc and inserted it into the WBC, uploading the files to his database. "Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Samïr. You won't hear from us again if you keep out of trouble, okay?" The detective said as he walked out of the store, hearing a wage "Thank you, Sir" from behind his back.

It had been pouring down all day, but it had finally ended and the weather had become very humid. Connecting a wireless headset to the WBC, he walked towards an empty-ish café and sat down in a shady corner. He started to dial a number through the WBC and waited for an answer on the other side of the line. "Unit HQ. What can I help you with?" A female voice said on the other side. "This is Detective Allen Dawn, ID 017-951." Allen said as a waiter came over, he ordered a coffee and continued. "Patch me though to the Chief." A confirming sound came from the receptionist as she patched him through. "Ah, detective Dawn what do you need?" A Chief said with a cherry tone. Allen sighed; he really disliked the partly unprofessional tone the Chief had. "I need to get the clearance to get access to the Mainframe to check some surveillance footage of District 1-90," Allen said as his coffee arrived and he transferred some credits to the Café's account and continued. "I'm currently checking the Erodian that are charged for dealing unstable and probably dangerous equipment from several merchants in the District, and I have a suspicious thought that this has something to do with the Shadow-Case I also work on right now." Allen sipped of the coffee cup as the Chief started to talk. "You're really working to much Allen, but I envy your ability to do exactly what you are doing," A small pause came as someone entered the Chiefs' office. "I'm really sorry Allen, but something of insignificant importance appeared. You'll get the clearance you need, now get on with your job, detective!" With those final words, the Chief hung up. Allen rose from the chair and walked to the counter, smiling at the waiter as he transferred some credits to her personal account.

The streets were filled with various traders, citizens and vacationists from other cities. This wasn't the best of conditions to have in a megacity, but it was like this everyday and Allen wondered why it was such a big deal to visit this city. The air was polluted, the streets were filled with uncountable gangs and criminal organisations, but the worst thing was the State's grip and iron clawed rules that forced the Unit's Officers to mindlessly to whatever the Leaders told them to do. Though he was glad he didn't worked for neither the Unit or for the State, in fact he was a freelancer detective and the Unit had hired him to solve the Shadow-Case. Arriving at a glass skyscraper in the outskirts of the Megacity, Allen scanned his retina and the doors slid open. "Welcome to the 'Samantha Curlín Tower'." A mechanical voice said over a pair of speakers as Allen walked into the apartment tower. The reception was really fancy, glass and plastic furniture in groups. And an ebony and black marble desk Stood between two elevators. "Good morning Mr. Dawn," Said the woman behind the desk as Allen walked towards it "what can I help you with today?" She had a friendly smile and a strikingly elegant dress upon her. "Any messages for me today, Miss Rose?" He asked her as he lent towards her on the desk. A wage blush appeared on her cheeks as he checked his inbox for messages. "None at the moment, but you have a package waiting for you in your apartment, Mr. Dawn." Allen smiled as he stood up again. "Thank you, but please, call me Allen." He said as he entered the elevator to the left of the reception desk, leaving Rose hard blushing.

The elevator flew upwards in a blinding speed, mostly to Allen's disgust since he hated the combination of high speeds and heights. The doors slid open to his penthouse suite and he walked inn into his living room to find a package sitting on a table. 'What's this?' Allen thought as he walked over to the package. Allen inspected the package; it was just like a small cube with no sings of a sender or even any other things than a tiny note labelled 'Allan Dawn'. "Quite peculiar…" He said to himself as he picked the package up, walked into his kitchen and sat down on his regular chair. The package was light, but at the same time a bit heavy. He opened it, but the only thing he found were a letter with small crooked letters 'The Truth Will Come.'

Sat, 22 May 2010 23:13:39 GMT
Shadow Eighteen: Ch. II

11th June. 2145 Second era. A Monday. 1:03pm.

The sunlight burned me in my eyes, forcing me to wake up. My body felt like a piece of marble, stiff and heavy. Placing on foot outside of my bed, the cold floor felt... Well cold against my bare feet. Shrugging as I rose, placing one foot in front of the other towards the bathroom. The mirror reflected me, I looked like shit. My half-long dark hair had become oily, and my face was sweat after the pursuit last night. Tired eyes glazed back at me, amber eyes that burned with an intensity that was almost inhuman. I had large black circles under my eyes that had build up over long periods; I have to admit that I dislike it, but that is what you get for being lightly paranoid. I've been running from the Organization for to long and now I'm planning to take the corruption down. They control most of the city, well the parts that aren't owned by the government. I can't believe that I used to work for them, but now I can see that the Organization is destroying the City.

Entering the kitchen, I felt a slight chill run down my spine. It felt like some none was watching me, though I knew that no one knew that I lived here. The fridge was empty, as usual. A small sigh escaped my lips as I reached for a glass and went over to the sink. Cold water filled my glass as it streamed out from the sink; it was clean enough though it always could be cleaner. The condo I live in is quite nice, three rooms that included a living room with open kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom. It couldn't matter really, since I spent most of my time outside, in the City. You will find out that my life can be quite different from yours.

Walking into the living room and sat down in my couch turning on the telly. All of the same propaganda news and the State served us, the people, and even more bullshit than before. The news reporter was interviewing a man dressed in a red suit. His blue hair was in a very strong contrast to his suit. He looked familiar, but in a way that I can't quite understand he looked totally unknown like he'd a part of my past. The reporter started to talk: "What is the current status on the 'Shadow'-case?" The red dressed man turned around and pointed his hand in the direction of were I had killed Seventeen and the two others. Then he turned around again. His face was rid of emotions, and I couldn't read what he felt nor what his intentions where. "We have with a Biotic here, not a Shadow." The Red dressed man said to the reporter. "So you deny that there isn't a Shadow involved in this murder case?" The reporter asked the man who turned around and shook his head. "No. I do not deny it nor do the Unit know if there is a Shadow that is the killer in this case, but we are certain that this is the work of a biotic." The Man replied and walked towards where I took the lives of my old 'Friends'. I turned off the telly and walked towards the kitchen again. It had started to rain outside and I liked it, though it still was quite hot outside since it was in the middle of June. "What a pleasant day this can turn out to become." I said to myself and walked into my bedroom. It was minimally furniture, only a bed, a closet and a weapon locker. Opening the weapon locker and gazed at my armament. I nodded for myself and smiled as I took out my handguns and holstered them in the shoulder-mounted holsters. The extra weight of the guns felt quite good, and I know that they wouldn't hinder me if I was noticed by any Organization Agents or by anyone who know me or know what I am. As I walked towards my front door, I grabbed my WBC (WristBandComputer) and hacked the radio into the Organization's Secure Line. I could hear that my takedowns last night had made some problems for the Police Unit and for the Organization as well.

The air outside was quite humid after the rain, a bit off from the usual downtown weather and this made some minor issues for the hoboes who lived on the streets of this hellhole of a city. I can't quite remember how many that lives in the city, but I bet it's over four and a half millions or so. This is registered habitants and there are the "black numbers" that are most uncontrolled. These are the unregistered, homeless, criminals and alien from other worlds than this planet. Yes, there are aliens here. Most of them are from a planet to far away for us humans to reach, but they came to us instead and they helped us evolve and develop new tech. I'm a result of this. The 'Erodians' as they call themselves, learnt the tech divisions of the State how to more efficient create biotics, new and more efficient weapons and how to create the interstellar spacecrafts they used to get to Earth. But I couldn't care less; well I really like the weapons they make. No Earth made kit can really stand up to the Erodian Sentinel Armoury's equipment. Take my rifle for example; it's an ESA Eezo Assassin-II, quite rare even to the Erodian Army. It's based on the standard Eezo rifle but modified so it can fire the slug, bullet made of a single piece of tungsten, faster and more precise than the original. I can say that the impact made from the slug can shatter a ten inch armour plate without problems, at a range of two miles or so. This makes it the perfect assassination tool on the market, and I own the only one. Though I can't wear it in public, since the State has a very strict rule against weapons in public, I can still wear my handguns since they can't see them nor will they ever manage to catch me if they discovers that I am wearing arms.

Words buzzed over the State lines as I walked through the market streets. There were busy vendors everywhere advertising for their various clothes, cheap techs and food provisions. I smiled of the naïve costumers that where tricked by the vendors and while they browsed the stores, street children reached their small hands undetected into the pockets and bags of the slightly confused costumers. I knew it was wrong, but this was not my problem. It was the States' and the Units' problem, I just want to find out why the Organization has such a strong grip on the cities underworld, and why the have the Shadows to work for them.

Thu, 08 Apr 2010 19:46:13 GMT
Shadow Eighteen: Ch. I

June 11th. 2145 Second Era. A Monday. 1:30am.

Shadows ran over the rooftops, hidden from the various vendors in the busy markets underneath. The traders in the market were mostly drug-dealers, arms-dealers and other illegal and shady businesses. A figure, fast and agile, ran in front of the shadowy men. It almost looked like he was running away from the shadows, and that wasn't far from the truth either. One of the shadowy men lifted a hand that held holding a gun, pointing at the perused. One bullet was released from the gun, bursting through the cold air towards the hunted man. But something strange happened just before the bullet hit, the man swirled around and dodged the bullet while he pulled his own gun and fired towards his pursuers. One after one fell under for the surprise attack until it was only two men standing. "You won't get away, Eighteen!" The pursuer shouted to the hunted man. ''Stand down now and you won't be hurt. If you don't you'll be hunted down by the Organization, and then you won't live until next year.'' The hunted holstered his gun and walked towards the pursuer, who raised his own gun towards the man. The air became electric as the two of them stared at each other before the hunter opened his mouth again and spoke. "I have orders to kill you, Shadow! But I have no intentions to kill a friend." There was a small tone of sadness in the hunter's voice as he lowered the gun and turned away. A vague smile over the ''Shadow's'' face as he drew a knife. "To bad, I do not see you as a friend." He said and threw it into the back of the hunter's head. The hunter fell onto the roof of the house they was standing on. Just as the dead body hit the ''ground'' the Shadow said: "I have a name. And that is Gaz." The sky became darker and clouded as Gaz jumped down into an ally, wall-jumping style.

I can't see the end of this endless street. Illegal businesses and the other shit like that; prostitution, drug dealing and underground fight clubs. All of this is something I can live with, but when the dealers and importers get a bit to close to a war and the police order a shakedown on the more troubled areas it tends to be a hell of a place to be.

Anyway, my life so far has been a living hell. I can't remember my childhood, nothing more than ten years ago. All I can remember is that I was taken away from my parents at the age of ten to a company that said they would enhance my chances to survive. You see, I had a rear disease that killed me very slowly and if I hadn't been cured, I would have been dead right now. But thanks to the company's medical-tech unit and some highly advanced implants that makes me react much faster than other humans and I'm more physical developed than them as well. They cured me, but here was a downside with it. I had to join the Organization as one of their Shadows, one of their assassins. I didn't like it at first, but after many years of training and evolving I finally saw ''the light'' and became the perfect killer. I was granted the name 'Eighteen' since I was the eighteenth Shadow, the perfect Shadow. I do not know why 'Eighteen' was called the perfect Shadow, since it came new ones after me.

I would say that I hate the Organization. I hate everything they stand for, the fact that they take in children with special needs and turn them into coldblooded killers make me sick. And that is why I left them. I couldn't stand to take orders from the leaders anymore, and that is also the reason for the other Shadows started to hunt me. The men I killed just a few minutes away were Alpha, Magus and the one who spared my life was 'Seventeen'. I didn't know the guy, but he knew me. Almost every other Shadow knew who I am, but that is only a good thing for me. Now they know what will happen to them if they stand up against me. The dirty air around me smelled of corruption and filthy humans, trying to get through another day. I had to laugh as I saw two drunks fight over the last bottle of booze. You might not find it as fun as I do, but you haven't gone through the same things I have as well.

Tue, 30 Mar 2010 18:18:39 GMT
Who's back?!

Vel... Long time no see!

Jeg har som oppdaget vært borte en lang stund, vedder på at ingen har merket det.... Uansett! Jeg skal prøve å bli mer aktiv fra nå av, serriøst!

Anngående blogg-serien min... Den er lagt på is, kay? Jeg har ikke hatt muligheten til å skrive på den, men jeg har isteden startet på en ny serie ;) Så hvis noen av dere der ute vil at jeg skal laste den opp, bare si i fra.

Mvh. The Crushader.

Mon, 29 Mar 2010 17:18:57 GMT