Worms WMD

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* Påkrevd felt

Vi møtte kreativ leder hos utvikler Team 17, Kevin Carthew, under ID@xbox-delen av GDC, og han fikk svare på hvordan de ligger an med det neste kapitlet i den populære Worms-serien.

Spillet har fått ny grafikkmotor, men er samtidig tilbake i 2D-stilen som Worms hadde tidligere. Vi spurte hvordan teamet gikk frem da de bestemte seg for dette:

"There are fan favourites in the series, most of the time if you ask people what their favourite worms memories are and they'll talk about Worms 2, Worms World Party, Worms Armageddon, and it's quite difficult to demonstrate what it is about those games that made them so popular. It's a combination of things like the sense of weight the worms have, the way the grenades and physics works, it all comes together to make a satisfying play experience."

"With this game we kind went back to the old games; not in a casual way, we dug out the old code, and had a programmer go through the old lines of code and see what it was that we could precisely to recreate the essential feel of the old titles. That's been our mantra, that's where we started with Worms WMD, we wanted the core experience to be beautiful and solid and have that really nice feel with it that fans appreciated with those old games."

Se hele intervjuet i videoen her:


Worms WMD skal slippes til PC, Playstation 4 og Xbox One i løpet av året.

Worms WMD

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