Ifølge VG247 støtter nå PC-versjonen av Final Fantasy XV Nvidia Ansel, den kule teknologien som lar oss ta skjermbilder i 8K, og mer Nedenfor kan du se en rekke skjermbilder tatt med denne teknologien. Bildene kommer fra VG247, og de har følgende å si om dem:
"You can't play Final Fantasy 15 Windows Edition in this resolution, of course - 4K is the max - but it still looks pretty damn sharp even at that resolution, and the Ansel screenshot tool is sure to give Final Fantasy fans hours of enjoyment playing around snapping photos of the world. Cut and hidden content hunters be forewarned, too - Ansel lets you clip the camera through solid objects including walls and the floor, at least in the benchmark. In case you're wondering, I was running the benchmark on an Nvidia 1080Ti graphics card. The benchmark was running at 4K and on the highest quality settings available - the frame rate tended to hover around the 35-40 frames per second mark - so not the magic 60, though that'll clearly be very achievable at sub-4K levels."