Starcraft Ghost

StarCraft: Ghost annonsert på TGS

Da Blizzard her om dagen annonserte at de ville annonsere deres neste tittel på Tokyo Game Show, var få i tvil. Det asiatiske markedet elsker spillet like mye som Europa, så det var nærliggende å fremvise spillet ved denne muligheten.

Abonner på vårt nyhetsbrev her!

* Påkrevd felt

Da Blizzard her om dagen annonserte at de ville annonsere deres neste tittel på Tokyo Game Show, var få i tvil. Det asiatiske markedet elsker spillet like mye som Europa, så det var nærliggende å fremvise spillet ved denne muligheten. Nå er den første informasjonen og de første bildene klare.

Dessverre er spillet ikke en oppfølger til det overdådige RTS spillet, men i stedet et action spill som bruker universet som bakgrunn for eventyret. Her er hele pressemeddelelsen:

MAKUHARI, Japan - September 20, 2002 - During a press conference today at the Tokyo Game Show, Blizzard Entertainment®, a studio of the games division of Vivendi Universal Publishing, unveiled StarCraft: Ghost™, a tactical-action console game set in Blizzard’s epic StarCraft® universe. StarCraft: Ghost is currently under development and is scheduled for a worldwide release on multiple console systems. The game will be co-published by Capcom and Blizzard Entertainment in Japan; further announcements regarding platform/country specifics will be announced in the months to come.

In StarCraft: Ghost, players take the role of Nova, a lethal Ghost operative skillfully trained in the arts of espionage and tactical combat. Twenty years of ruthless physical conditioning and techno-psychological instruction have made Nova a being of terrifying potential. With the help of a determined group of allies, players follow a series of story-driven missions, engaging in a deadly mix of planetary battles and dangerous solo operations. To complete their mission objectives, players must execute intelligent tactical decisions while mastering an advanced arsenal of sophisticated weaponry.

"We’re very excited about returning to the StarCraft series," stated Mike Morhaime, Blizzard Entertainment president and co-founder. "Our roots are based in console gaming, and we look forward to developing this universe for the next-generation console systems."

Key features in StarCraft: Ghost include:
· Revolutionary new style of gameplay featuring enhanced physical and psionic abilities
· Hostile Environment Suit designed to magnify strength, agility, and speed
· Over-the-top special effects offer stunning visuals and unparalleled tactical realism
· Immersive 3D environments showcase rich textures and highly stylized character models
· Unique Calldown abilities allow players to target large-scale attacks from the ground
· A deeply evolving storyline set in Blizzard’s gritty sci-fi StarCraft universe

As the story unravels, players find themselves traversing uncharted terrain and battling adversaries never before seen by followers of the series. Bold 3D graphics give players a new, in-depth perspective on familiar planets and former battlefields from the legendary universe. A dynamic 3rd-person camera view displays dramatic lighting, startling detail, and a blend of realistic and fantastical design. Co-developed by Blizzard Entertainment and Nihilistic Software, Inc.™, StarCraft: Ghost is scheduled for release in late 2003.

Since its debut in 1998, the #1-selling StarCraft series* has won industry acclaim and has shattered sales records worldwide with over six million copies shipped. Blizzard continued the series with the critically acclaimed StarCraft: Brood War™, which won multiple Expansion Pack of the Year awards and is still considered by many critics to be one of the best add-on products to date."

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