Valhalla Studios' beinharde actionspill Devil's Third hadde ingen enkel start. Kritikerne slaktet spillet og spillskaperen (Tomonobu Itagaki) slaktet kritikerne, men hvordan har det egentlig gått med Wii U-spillet? Svaret er nok at det ikke har gått spesielt bra, for denne uken kunne Nintendo of America fortelle at de har stengt onlinefunksjonen i spillet for godt. Her er annonseringen:
Thank you for your continued loyalty to Nintendo. Nintendo will discontinue the online multiplayer service for the Devil's Third game for the Wii U console on December 28, 2016. We will also no longer sell Golden Eggs as of June 27, 2016 at 9:00 AM PT. Finally, the price of the downloadable version of Devil's Third will be reduced from $59.99 USD to $29.99 USD on Nintendo eShop.
Discontinuation Schedule:
6/23/2016 (Thursday) 9 AM PT - Price reduction for digital version
6/27/2016 (Monday) 9 AM PT - Discontinuation of Golden Eggs sales*
12/28/2016 (Wednesday) 8 PM PT - Discontinuation of online multiplayer service** We are deeply thankful for all the players who have enjoyed Devil's Third online multiplayer service, and thank you for your understanding regarding this decision.
* Golden Eggs will not work after December 28, 2016.
**There is no change to the online features for the single-player mode.
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