Den engelske pop trioen Sugababes, som akkurat nå herjer diverse hitlister, har nettopp uttalt at de har skrevet en kontrakt med BAM Entertainment. De vil nemlig medvirke i deres neste PlayStation 2 spill The Powerpuff Girls: Relish Rampage, som skal slippes i november.
Samtidig medfører avtalen at den neste Sugababes videoen vil være en slags tegnefilm, hvor de kjente Powerpuff jentene får besøk av Keisha, Mutya og Heidi, og at den nye singlen deres blir en del av spillet.
Jon Turner sa følgende:
"The girls are huge Powerpuff Girls fans as well as being gamers themselves, they are excited at the prospect of being involved in a video game"
Anthony Williams hos BAM fulgte opp med følgende:
"In addition to their massive appeal with a young nature The Powerpuff Girls have an expanding group of older fans. It was always our intention to make Relish Rampage a title that would appeal to a broad age range, which is why we decided to use VIS’s State of Emergency engine for the game. The collaboration with the Sugababes fits perfectly with the direction which we are taking and will no doubt ensure that the while the band rise to the top of the music charts, Relish Rampage will reach new heights in the gaming charts."