I forrige uke kunngjorde utvikleren Re-Logic på deres offisielle forum at Terraria Otherworld hadde blitt kansellert. Den strategiske spin-offen til Terraria ble annonsert i 2015, slet med en trøblete utvikling og ble etter hvert gitt videre til et eksternt studio.
"Our team has a clear vision for this game - one that we shared with all of you with much shared excitement - and, in spite of all of our efforts, the current state of the game remains equal parts far from that vision and beyond behind schedule from our initial planning when we shared Otherworld with all of you three years ago", skriver Re-Logic i en forum post.
"Taking the massive amount of work that would be remaining to complete along with the extensive time it would take to get that done, and how that would greatly interfere with the pursuit of other projects on behalf of Re-Logic - it becomes clear that this leaves things in a very undesirable state."
Re-Logic kommer til å fortsette med utviklingen av Terraria.