Det danske indiestudioet Ultra Ultra har nettopp annonsert deres første spill, og det er et actionfylt snikespill kalt Echo. Her skal spilleren følge en jente som forsøker å overleve et sted kalt Palace.
Ut ifra det vi kan lese om spillet på Steam Greenlight vil det antagelig bli mulig å velge spillestil enten du foretrekker å gi juling eller snike i skyggene. Her er den offisielle beskrivelsen:
After a century in stasis the girl En arrives at her destination: A Palace out of legend, a marvel of the old civilization eons gone, still awaiting its first human occupants. Out here, using forgotten technologies, she hopes to bring back a life that shouldn't have been lost. But nothing could have prepared her for what she'll face in the ancient halls below.
The experience starts as a character driven journey of discovery, but as it unfolds it evolves into something altogether more punishing. Gameplay revolves around Stealth and Action, as you face off against the strange workings of this place. You might be quick on your feet and quite able to defend yourself, but everything has consequences here. Whatever your strategy, one thing is certain: You must keep your wits about you if you are to survive the Palace.
Ultra Ultra er en liten gjeng på åtte personer som kommer fra Hitman-studioet IO Interactive. Sjekk ut traileren for Echo her: