Her kommer noen nye skjermiser fra Tony Hawk's Downhill Jam til Wii. Hva skateboardlegenden egentlig synes om at denne SSX-lignende trickracingspillet vet vi ikke, like lite som vi vet hvor bra det egentlig kommer til å fungere å styre spillet med Wii-kontrollen. Ut ifra våre opplevelser med Motorstorm og Warhawk, som kan styres på lignende måte med Sixaxis-kontrollen er vi ikke helt overbeviste. Men i alle fall, det blir spennende å se hva utvikleren Toys for Bob har klart å få til. Hva tror du?
Her er mer fakta:
* Choose Tony Hawk or another colorful character: Players can choose to play as Tony Hawk or one of eight original characters. In addition they can create their own character with the Create-A-Skater feature.
* Arcade-style racing: Players can crouch for more speed, jump or grind over obstacles and pull off all of their favorite air tricks to gain boost as they race down the steepest terrains in the world.
* Ride a variety of skateboards: Players choose from a wide variety of skateboards such as current, old school "fishtails," longboards and 70’s skateboards, all of which have different attributes that will have an effect on gameplay.
* Create-A-Skater: Fans create and customize their own skater with the quick and easy customization menu that allows them to instantly preview items and see them on their skater.
* Interact with objects and other skaters in the street:
* Dodge vehicles and pedestrians
* Crash through destructible areas and objects
* Find shortcuts and save time by using signs and other objects
* Knock down your opponents to get ahead
* Head-to-head gameplay: Players can challenge friends in split screen competitions in a variety of modes: Race, Trick Attack, Slalom and Event.