Tony Hawk's Project 8

Tony Hawk's Project 8

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Activision har nettopp meddelt at de nå har lansert en spillbar demo på Tony Hawk's Project 8. Det lastes ned som vanlig fra Xbox Live Marketplace.

Her er mer fakta:
Reengineered from the ground up for Sony and Microsoft’s next-generation consoles, Tony Hawk’s Project 8™ immerses players in the definitive skateboarding experience using ultra-realistic graphics, enhanced physics and extremely responsive controls that simulate the feeling of skating with every trick and bail. The game challenges players to experience the intensity and pressure of skating against some of the world’s top pros in true to life competitions as they aim to become the #1 skater and establish their town as a skateboard destination. Delivering continuous skating action in a free-roaming living environment, Tony Hawk’s Project 8 incorporates the series’ most popular features, all of which have been enhanced with next-generation technology.

Tony Hawk's Project 8
Tony Hawk's Project 8

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Tony Hawk's Project 8Score

Tony Hawk's Project 8

ANMELDELSE. Skrevet av Frode Haugen

De siste spillene i serien har skuffet de rullebrettgærne i redaksjonen. Hawk og Frode Hauken kickflipper i vei!

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