Utvikleren TriLunar, som var godt i gang med spillet Dragonkind til PlayStation 2 og Xbox, har mått se seg nødt til å stoppe prosjektet - det er ganske enkelt ikke fler penger i kassen. GameReactor synes det er ekstremt trist, da spillet så ut til å kunne bli interessant.
Her er hele pressemeldingen:
"Today we have a disappointing announcement. Due to lack of resources, we have had to cease development of the game Dragonkind as well as close down TriLunar. The company was funded 100% internally, and without access to an external source of capital, we are unable to continue operating. This decision disappoints us as much as it probably disappoints all of our fans and supporters.
TriLunar has ceased all internal development. Work on the game Dragonkind has stopped and will not be starting up for the foreseeable future. Additionally, we are no longer accepting solicitations or employment applications.
We at TriLunar appreciate the unprecedented level of support we received over the course of development. We know it has been a tough road for our friends and fans as well as ourselves.
One thing which never failed was our team's unflagging enthusiasm which was buoyed by support from the fans, the press and our families. We would like to thank all of you. We hope one day to return to you as much as you gave to us. "