Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

Vi snakker med æresprisvinner Lord British

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* Påkrevd felt

Vi satte oss ned med æresprisvinner Richard "Lord British" Garriott under Gamelab i Barcelona for å snakke om han lange karriere, hans nye spill Shroud of the Avatar, romeventyr og mye mer. Blant annet vektlegger han hvor viktig det er beskytte sine ideer:

"To me, if you think about what makes games sell. And we're all here to make games and we sell them or we don't live to make the next game. That usually takes a combination of great mechanics, which I think all games need, compelling audio and visual, which is why somebody looks at the game in the first place, but in my mind the third pillar is intellectual property. And of those three it's the only one that can be protected. It's the only one that lasts."

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Shroud of the Avatar: Forsaken Virtues

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