Utvikleren Frontier Development har sendt oss noen nye skjermiser fra deres andre kommende tilleggspakke til Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 som har fått undertittelen Wild! Er du en av de som har digger slike spill, ja så kan jeg ikke annet enn å anbefale deg dette.
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Rollercoaster Tycoon 3 omtale
Her er mer fakta om tilleggspakken:
* Nine freshly designed scenarios that expand game-play beyond the call of the wild kingdom;
* Amazing never-before seen hardcore coasters fresh from the drawing boards of today's designers including splitting tracks and robot arms;
* Safari elements give players tools for building expedition rides where park visitors interact with over 20 species of wild (and not so wild) animals;
* Players interact with the animals, select their food and toys; tickle them or poke them awake; breed and trade them with other animal parks;
* Two more richly detailed themes for players' RCT3 amusement parks - Jungle and Prehistoric - including giant insects and animatronic dinosaurs!
* Even more thrill rides; eight more coasters, eighteen 'flat' rides, brand new animal houses and four additional transport rides;
* Choreograph fun and entertaining performing animal programs, like the Lion Tamer Show, using the RCT3 MixMaster;
Includes the biggest ever RCT3 transport ride: the Paddle Steamer, plus Elephant Rides, Safari SUVs and everglades speedboats;
* An occasional escaping animal causes chaos, and gives players a chance to use their tranquilizer dart shooting skills (but mind those park guests...);
* Make even more cash from your park using new shops and ad billboards, which for the first time allow players to put their own original content in the game;
* Say 'hello' to more new characters - a new VIP, a new Animal Keeper staff member, and the RCT favourite 'Tiger' mascot.
Flere nyheter og screens fra tilleggspakken finner du inn her