Det første Shenmue-spillet hadde ikke rukket å komme ut engang før seriens skaper, Yu Suzuki, fortalte at historien han hadde skrevet la opp til fire eller fem spill. Man skulle kanskje tro at han hadde gitt opp denne når det tar atten år mellom to spill, men ikke søren.
Shenmue 3s rulletekst inneholder nemlig et åpent brev til spillerne hvor det står:
"To all the fans who have waited many years for Shenmue 3, and to all of the crowdfunding backers who have made this game possible: This project would not exist without your love, support, and the connections we've made along the way. With profound appreciation for all that you have done, I am happy to finally present to you Shenmue 3. During development I expanded the scope beyond what I had originally envisioned. I'm happy we were able to include the distinct 'Shenmue' charm throughout the game. I hope that this new chapter strikes even a small resonance in your heart. For as long as there are those who wish to see Shenmue live on, I will never give up on my own personal journey to complete its story. As with Shenmue 3, the Shenmue story is with you. I sincerely hope that, together, we can continue to spin the tale of Ryo and his adventures in Shenmue 4. This goes out to all who have ever loved and supported Shenmue.
Yu Suzuki"
Personlig har jeg ikke spilt Shenmue 3, men det er altså ikke tvil om at YS Net ikke endret på den originale historien slik at den ble avsluttet etter tre spill. Dermed kan du være sikker på at utviklerne vil gjøre sitt ytterste for å fullføre historien en gang i fremtiden. Undertegnende har sikkert blitt pensjonist innen den tid, men planen er der i alle fall...